Contact Information |
Yourself |
First Name: |
Last Name: |
Street Address: |
City: |
State: |
ZIP: |
Occupation: |
1st E-Mail Address: |
2nd E-Mail Address: |
Home Phone: |
Work Phone: |
Cell Phone: |
Other Phone: |
Best Day/Time to Contact: |
Emergency Contact |
Name: |
Phone Number: |
Personal Reference 1 |
Name: |
Phone Number: |
Personal Reference 2 |
Name: |
Phone Number: |
Personal Reference 3 |
Name: |
Phone Number: |
Personal Reference 4 |
Name: |
Phone Number: |
Your Veterinarian (By submitting this form, you provide your consent for your veterinarian to release information regarding the health status of your current animals). |
Name: |
Address: |
Phone: |
2nd Vet Name: |
Address: |
Phone: |
Your Landlord |
Do you own your home? : |
Yes No |
If you do not own your home, please provide a letter of permission from your landlord for you to have a Dalmatian and provide your landlord's: |
Name: |
Address: |
Phone: |
General Questions: |
How did you hear about us? : |
Why do you want to adopt a Dalmatian? : |
Have you had a Dalmatian before? : |
Yes No |
What do you know about Dals and where did you get this knowledge?: |
Do you consider yourself/your family to be active in such a way as to include your Dalmatian? Describe: |
Your Home, Family, & Pets |
What dogs do you currently have (Breed, Age, Sex)? : |
What other pets do you currently have (Breed, Age, Sex)? : |
What pets have you had in the last 5 years that you no longer have? What happened to them? : |
How do your dogs get along with other dogs? : |
What dog food do you feed? : |
Is/are your dogs altered? : |
Yes No |
Ever breed a litter? : |
Yes No |
Willing to train in obedience? : |
Yes No |
Anyone home during the day? : |
Yes No |
Hours a day the dog would be left alone : |
Where will dog stay when you are home? : |
Inside Outside |
When the dog is alone, where will it be (Check all that will apply regularly) ? : |
Run of the House Crated Outside Garage Other (Please Describe) |
Is yard completely fenced and fence secure? : |
Yes No |
What type of fencing and height? : |
Is there a door leading directly from the house into the fenced yard? : |
Yes No |
What kind of shade is available in the fenced yard? : |
What kind of accomodations do you have for the dog in the cold? : |
Do you have a dog door into the house or garage? : |
Yes No |
Do you own/have you used a dog crate? : |
Yes No |
What do you do with your pets when you go on vacation? : |
Ages of children in contact with the dog? : |
Any asthma or allergies to dogs or cats in your household? : |
Yes No |
Are your animals current on vaccinations? : |
Yes No |
Are your animals on heartworm preventative? : |
Yes No |
Describe neighbors the dog will be involved with (Do they like dogs? Have children (Ages?) Have dogs or cats?) : |
Any current neighbor problems? : |
Yes No |
If yes, Explain : |
Any preferences regarding the Dalmatian you are looking for (Age/Sex/Color)? Specify : |
Do all parties (If more than one adult in house) want a Dalmatian? : |
Yes No |
Any questions about the breed we can answer? |
Adopted pets need an adjustment time. Are you willing to give the new dog at least one month trial to ensure proper adjustment? : |
Yes No |
What would, in your opinon, constitute a reason for not keeping the dog? : |
Would you consider a second Dalmatian at a future date? : |
We are always in need of temporary homes for our rescue dogs. Would you be willing to foster a needy Dalmatian if it is compatible with your lifestyle and other pets? : |
Yes No |
For how long? Until placed? : |